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Sertoma Club of Hattiesburg donates $20,000 to DuBard School

Wed, 12/18/2019 - 11:33am | By: Brittney Dykes

Sertoma Club representatives with Dubard School childrenThe DuBard School for Language Disorders at The University of Southern Mississippi recently received a gift from the Sertoma Club of Hattiesburg in the amount of $20,000. A check presentation and small gathering was held at the school with representatives of the Sertoma Club of Hattiesburg joining DuBard School staff and students.

“We are so grateful to the Sertoma Club of Hattiesburg and their continued support of our school,” said Dr. Missy Schraeder, director of the DuBard School. “These funds will help us to provide much-needed services to individuals in our area with oral and written language disorders.”

DuBard School’s enrollment program is state-funded and available to children at no charge. However, funding from the state only covers a percentage of the costs and the remainder must be made up from private donations, such as this one from Sertoma. Additionally, these donations also support the DuBard School’s outclient services and professional development programs.  In total, Sertoma Club of Hattiesburg has given over $289,000 to the DuBard School.

Sertoma Club chose to fundraise for the DuBard School because the school’s mission of sharing the gift of oral and written language is in line with Sertoma’s international objective to serve individuals with hearing loss and language disorders.

About the DuBard School for Language Disorders

The DuBard School for Language Disorders was established in 1962 and is a clinical division of the Southern Miss School of Speech and Hearing Sciences. DuBard School serves children with severe language/speech disorders, including the written language disorder of dyslexia, and/or hearing impairments and provides guidance and counseling for parents and families of the children. The school is a practicum site for university students majoring in speech-language pathology, audiology or deaf education. DuBard School for Language Disorders is a United Way agency. Further information is found at